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The process diary of film director Glendyn Ivin


Glendyn Ivin

While digging around for some history on the post below... I have just found another film Heavy Metal Picnic which was shot in 1985 a year prior to Heavy Metal Parking Lot, and was only just uploaded to Vimeo five days ago! 'Picnic' was produced by Jeff Krulic (who then made 'Parking Lot' in 86). Heavy Metal Picnic takes you way deeper. What is essentially a bunch of kids fooling around with a camera, has become an incredible social document. This film makes Heavy Metal Parking Lot look water downed. This roughly assembled edit provides us with an astounding amount of authenticity. truth and access into a very specific time and place. A time and place I myself am totally fascinated with. My feature film Cherry Bomb is drawing heavily from this world, although it's set about 6 years before these guys were listening to metal and getting wasted on some hillside in Maryland, USA.

It looks as though the filmmakers partied filmed as much as they could until the camera batteries went dead.

Heavy Metal Picnicer "Are you guys really from CBS?"

Filmmaker "Nah, we just stole all this shit!"